News and views

Keep up to date with the latest forestry-related news and informed opinion.


June 2024

Changes to the National Environment Standard for forestry Read more >>

New Zealand's wood processing sector is trying to work out how to meet incoming rules around deforestation for exports to Europe Read more >>

Government is repealing legislation requiring the compulsory registration of log traders and forestry advisers Read more >>

Low confidence in the government's climate plans may hit the coalition in the pocket and make it harder to fund tax cuts and other spending Read more >>

Agriculture to remain out of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

Parliamentary Commissioner hints at progressively removing forestry from the NZ ETS and creating a separate mechanism to manage biogenic methane emissions Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $50 (view graph) Read more >>

May 2024

Upgraded operations are well underway at Whakatane Mill Limited's (WML) paperboard mill Read more >>

A second Gisborne forestry company within the space of two months has lost its sustainability accreditation Read more >>

Black wood pellets are seen as a potential silver bullet replacement for coal by major industrial users Read more >>

Fears that New Zealand is relying too heavily on low-cost forests to absorb its carbon dioxide emissions have been reignited by a report from the OECD Read more >>

At Wharf Gate log prices across New Zealand dropped an average of 17% in April Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $45 (view graph) Read more >>

April 2024

Plans to build New Zealand's first plant to produce low emissions fossil free fuel to replace coal have moved a step closer with the signing of a lease at Kawerau Read more >>

The first carbon auction of the year earnt the government $190 million, money it previously said would help fund tax cuts Read more >>

New Zealand log inventories have piled up due to very weak demand from China in recent months Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $53 (view graph) Read more >>

March 2024

Marlborough company has patented a new process for manufacturing graphite from sawdust Read more >>

Forestry Minister Todd McClay has announced an independent review into costs associated with the forestry component of the ETS Register Read more >>

A damning report has found "major non-conformities" in the way East Coast forests were granted a stamp of environmental stewardship, despite "compelling evidence" of problems Read more >>

Farm Forestry running seminars on alternatives to Pinus Radiata Read more >>

At wharf gate log prices were stable in February Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $65 (view graph) Read more >>

February 2024

The New Zealand wood industry is closely watching the conflict in the Red Sea, as global shipping costs rise as a result of the disrupted supply chain Read more >>

January At Wharf Gate prices for export logs increased slightly from December AWG prices Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $71 (view graph) Read more >>

Three new forest listings

December 2023

New Forests is selling plantations in Blenheim, Southland, Taupo and Wairarapa that have a combined gross area of almost 16,000 hectares Read more >>

Juken New Zealand has told staff at Te Tai Rawhitiit it has decided to close the nearly 30-year-old mill due to ongoing financial difficulties and falling demand Read more >>

This year is going to go down as one of the toughest in a long time for the wider forestry industry Read more >>

NZ First Coalition Agreement "stop the current review of the ETS system to restore confidence and certainty to the carbon trading market" (read full document) Read more >>

ACT Coalition Agreement - "enable farmers and landowners to offset sequestration against their on-farm emissions" (link to the full document) Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $71 (view graph) Read more >>

Seven new listings on ForestX (see listings)

November 2023

Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue Read more >>

Juken proposes closure of Gisborne mill; 80 jobs at risk Read more >>

The annual charge for post-1989 forest land registered in the ETS is now in effect. The amount charged will be calculated based on the number of hectares registered on 19 October 2023 Read more >>

Next ETS auction due to take place on 4 December 2023 Read more >>

Correction - the BP company that has purchased a majority share in Daiken is not related to BP Oil as reported last month Read more >>

October At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs reduced an average of 4-5 NZD per JASm3 from September prices Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $70 (view graph) Read more >>

Three new forest listings

October 2023

Forestry crews are in a race against time to harvest 6,500 hectares of trees blown over around Taupo and Turangi area during Cyclone Gabrielle Read more >>

A wide range of industry representatives, representing the owners of more than 300,000 hectares of local forest, have launched a judicial review in the High Court seeking an examination of the new MPI fees regime Read more >>

National's vision is for a growing forestry sector that processes more logs into timber and other value added wood products to create jobs and move up the export value chain Read more >>

Oil company BP has purchased a majority share in Daiken including its wood processing assets in Southland Read more >>

September AWG prices for export logs remained similar to August AWG prices at North Island ports while the log exporters reduced AWG prices at the South Island ports Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $70 (view graph) Read more >>

September 2023

The first decisions under new rules for farm-to-forest conversions have been released, with two of the three applications being declined Read more >>

The right of a community to decide what it is fair to charge forestry owners in their district has been upheld in the Court of Appeal Read more >>

AWG prices increased an average of $15 due to the higher CFR sale prices in China Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $72 (view graph) Read more >>

Two new forest listings (view listings)

August 2023

Whakatane Paper Mill commits to further investment

The government's plan to shake up forestry in Tai Rawhiti and Wairoa has been met with frustration and disappointment by locals Read more >>

The High Court in Wellington has ruled the government had failed to take into account a number of New Zealand's greenhouse gas emission obligations when the Minister of Climate Change set ETS unit numbers and price controls Read more >>

Log prices are increasing in China as log demand remains steady and buyers react to tightening supplies Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $61 (view graph) Read more >>

Two new forest listings (view listings)

July 2023

Several New Zealand sawmills producing housing timber are temporarily halting production, as the construction sector slows Read more >>

The Government has floated a series of options to reform the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), with the highest ranked option one which sets up a whole new additional ETS scheme Read more >>

The National Party has announced its plan to reduce agricultural emissions, including pushing back the final deadline by which farmers have to start paying for them Read more >>

"The Government's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) reform options released today are largely unnecessary," says ACT's Environment Spokesperson Simon Court. "CO2 reductions can be achieved by supporting the current Emissions Trading Scheme." Read more >>

AWG (At Wharf Gate) prices dropped 5-10 NZD per JASm3 with the larger drops at South Island ports Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $49 (view graph) Read more >>

One new forest listing (view listings)

June 2023

Forest Industry Contractors Association spokesperson has "huge concern" over the viability of forestry contracting businesses in flood hit regions Read more >>

Expressions of interest called for $57 million Wood Processing Growth Fund Read more >>

Local authorities are being handed back the power to decide what farmland is suitable for conversion to carbon-sink forests (listen) Read more >>

June 2023 ETS auction declined because the clearing price did not meet minimum price settings Read more >>

Environment Ministry consults on limit and price control settings for NZUs Read more >>

National Party announces plan to reduce agricultural emissions Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $60 (view graph) Read more >>

Four new forest listing (view listings)

May 2023

Little of Hawke's Bay woody debris was forestry slash, report finds Read more >>

Fonterra Hautapu site will convert from coal-fired boilers to wood pellets as fuel Read more >>

New Zealand Rural Land Company has completed the purchase of a $63 million forestry block in the North Island Read more >>

Climate Commission warns of 'boom and bust' for forestry and emissions trading scheme Read more >>

National promises to ban foreign investment in farm-to-forestry conversions Read more >>

At Wharf Gate prices for export logs decreased $20-25 per JASm3 in April Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $52 (view graph) Read more >>

New forest listing (view listings)

Opportunities with Trees
If you're interested in trees, come and hear about the opportunities in growing trees for timber, for protecting your land and for storing carbon.  Learn about the benefits of planting different species and how they help fight climate change, provide shade and shelter, reduce erosion and improve water quality.   Free 3-hour workshops are being held in 18 locations across the country.  8-12 May Canterbury, West Coast, Blenheim and Nelson  22-25 May Otago and Southland  29 May-1 June Manawatu, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay and Gisborne  6-12 June Waikato, Northland and Horowhenua. Read more >>

April 2023

The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairawhiti, that the region's future has to include more trees for land stability Read more >>

The Ministry for Primary Industries is seeking feedback on changes to cost recovery settings for forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

Climate Change Commission releases ETS price control settings advice for 2024 to 2028 Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $62 (view graph) Read more >>

Three new forest listing (view listings)

March 2023

The Government has ordered a ministerial inquiry into forestry practice and the slash which has filled beaches and destroyed roads in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle Read more >>

University of Canterbury PhD student Chichi Zhang is developing technology to help produce green hydrogen from woody biomass Read more >>

Genesis has successfully completed a biomass burn trial as it looks at alternative fuel options for Huntly Power Station Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs increased $7-$8 per JASm3 in both January and February Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $66 (view graph) Read more >>

New forest listing (view listings)

February 2023

The Forest Owners Association is now backing a comprehensive enquiry into forestry saying new land use rules are needed for vulnerable soils (listen) Read more >>

Mitsui receives permission for New Forests purchase

Eucalypt posts project aims to reduce use of treated posts on vineyards Read more >>

New ETS on-line system for forestry now operating Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $72 (view graph) Read more >>

Three new forest listings (view listings)

January 2023

No need for inquiry into forestry practices following Cyclone Hale, minister says Read more >>

Increase in service fees for forestry in the ETS from 12 January 2023 Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs reduced an average of 2 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New Zealand in December. Market prices have stabilised in China, but the strengthening NZD against the USD caused AWG prices to drop Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $73 (view graph) Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $73 (view graph) Read more >>

December 2022

The Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan will increase wood processing in New Zealand and grow a low-carbon, high-value industry, Forestry Minister Stuart Nash has announced Read more >>

Ministry for the Environment projections showed that once tree planting and other offsetting measures were taken into account, net emissions would increase from 55 million tonnes in 2020 to 63 million in 2025, but were then expected to drop away Read more >>

Farmers will get full recognition for scientifically proven sequestration on their farms Read more >>

OneFortyOne's Kaituna Sawmill and its partners celebrated its first export shipment of woodchip out of Port Marlborough this week Read more >>

A forestry services company has been ordered to pay $536,000 for the death of a worker on a site near Wairoa in 2020 Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs reduced an average of 6 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New Zealand in November Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $80 (view graph) Read more >>

Two new listings on ForestX (see listings)

November 2022

Farmers want changes to emissions pricing plan (listen) Read more >>

12,000 hectares approved for sale to overseas investors for forestry Read more >>

Pine conspiracy needs reality check

At Wharf Gate Prices (AWG) prices for export logs reduced an average of 2 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New Zealand in October Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $88 (view graph) Read more >>

New listing on ForestX (see listings)

October 2022

By 2025 New Zealand will introduce a system that means farmers pay a price for their emissions and are rewarded for taking action to reduce their climate pollution Read more >>

Ministry for the Environment consulting on agricultural emissions pricing Read more >>

Farmers will be able to claim credit for on-farm trees during the early years of the scheme but eventually, this will transition to the Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

The new Climate Change (Forestry) Regulations 2022 have been approved and published Read more >>

Public consultation opens on how forests are managed through the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry Read more >>

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment says 50 percent increase in forestry would be required by 2050 to achieve the temperature reduction cutting methane emissions by 10 percent would achieve Read more >>

East Coast damage was the result of poor forestry harvesting and management, and the failure by companies to store forestry waste properly on skid sites Read more >>

At Wharf Gate Prices for export logs increased 7-8 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New Zealand in September, due to reduced shipping costs Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $81 (view graph) Read more >>

New listing on ForestX (see listings)

September 2022

Increasing New Zealand's onshore wood processing capability and investing in developing our domestic woody biomass industry are two target areas for Government Read more >>

The sale of four sheep and beef farms to overseas investors, who will turn about 7100 hectares into rotational forests, has been approved Read more >>

While the increase in farm sales into forestry is yet to lead to a significant reduction in stock numbers, it can be expected very soon, Beef + Lamb New Zealand says Read more >>

$85.40 clearing price at recent ETS auction

At Wharf Gate Prices increased between 8 to 13 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New Zealand in August Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $84 (view graph) Read more >>

2 new listings on ForestX (see listings)

August 2022

Mature pine forests in parts of the country that are usually felled by now are being left to grow as the international price for lumber has dropped (listen) Read more >>

A South Otago dairy industry plant hopes to lead the way in green energy, as it brings a biomass boiler online Read more >>

Beef + Lamb New Zealand says the rate of whole-farm sales and conversions to carbon farming in the country is "out of control" Read more >>

A law change to ensure that forestry conversions by overseas investors benefit New Zealand has passed its final reading in Parliament Read more >>

Maori forest owners fighting to keep exotic trees in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) are cautiously optimistic the government is backing down Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $83 (view graph) Read more >>

3 new listings on ForestX (see listings)

July 2022

Targeted rate to help repair roads damaged by logging trucks in Taranaki (listen) Read more >>

Tauranga City Council's new office building is set to be the largest mass timber office building in New Zealand Read more >>

New rules fall short of delivering a level playing field when overseas investors buy farmland for forestry, Federated Farmers says Read more >>

Companies associated with Ingka Group, the largest franchisee of Ikea stores internationally, have received consent to buy a 670ha property at Porangahau in Central Hawkes Bay Read more >>

PF Olsen Log Price Index decreased $11 in June to $111 which is $11 below the two-year average Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $73 (view graph) Read more >>

New listing on ForestX (see listings)

June 2022

Quayside has acquired 44% of PF Olsen, Direct Capital is selling its shareholding after 11 years as a shareholder Read more >>

Government is failing to recognise the depth of feeling across Maori in reaction to their proposal to make significant changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

A group of angry East Coast farmers descended on Napier to protest against carbon forestry, which they say is destroying their towns Read more >>

Forest owners say native trees are nice but won't solve the climate emergency Read more >>

Forestry owners say they are considering an appeal against a High Court decision which backed a council's move to stack its rating system against properties planted in trees Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $77 (view graph) Read more >>

Seven new listings on ForestX (see listings)

May 2022

The Government has committed $710 million over four years through the Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to accelerate efforts to lower agricultural emissions, expand the contribution of forestry to reduce carbon and produce alternative 'green' Read more >>

The Overseas Investment Office has approved the sale of another six farms for conversion to forestry under the special forestry test Read more >>

A farm forestry road show rolling out across the central North Island in late May will be an opportunity for hill country farmers to find out how they can integrate trees into their farming systems Read more >>

April At Wharf Gate prices for export logs decreased by $15-$18 per JASm3. This decrease in price was caused by a spike in shipping costs as well as the NZD strengthening against the USD Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $77 (view graph) Read more >>

Three new listings at ForestX (see listings)

April 2022

Rank Group, owned by billionaire Graeme Hart, is looking at a public share float of building supplies group Carter Holt Harvey Read more >>

Government has agreed with an industry request for up to 300 silviculture forestry workers and up to 280 wood processors and manufacturers to enter New Zealand Read more >>

A decision-making committee of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has approved an application for a new gas to fumigate export logs and timber Read more >>

At Wharf Gate prices for export logs increased an average of $6 in March. Reduced log supply to China has maintained price increases, but increasing shipping costs and a strengthening NZD mean increased downside risk for prices Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $77 (view graph) Read more >>

Five new listings at ForestX (see listings)

March 2022

Genesis imports US wood pellets to fuel Huntly renewable energy trial Read more >>

National policy changes are needed to ensure the rise in carbon farming does not come at the expense of rural communities Read more >>

Streamlined forestry test to end for overseas investors planning to convert farms to forest Read more >>

A new proposal to better manage carbon farming could see future permanent plantings of exotic forests like radiata pine excluded from the Emissions Trading Scheme ( Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs increased an average of $7 in January and $27 in February. The large AWG price increase in February was due to a combination of increased sale prices in China, an easing of shipping costs and a weakening of Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $72.00 recently (view graph) Read more >>

February 2022

Figures provided to RNZ by the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) show in the last three years 36,000 hectares of farmland has been approved for sale to overseas investors under the special forestry test Read more >>

The Forest Owners Association is telling Federated Farmers that it needs to educate itself about how the Overseas Investment Act works before making any more false claims about non-existent overseas investment in carbon farming Read more >>

The OECD is warning New Zealand that relying on tree planting and carbon credits to slash emissions may not hold water internationally much longer Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $85.50 (view graph) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
David Dysart runs a dairy farm in Marotiri, Ken Blakemore currently runs a sizeable deer unit near Rangiora with retirement on the horizon, while Soni Harris and Stu Parker are grazing beef in South East Otago. All three are very different farming operations located in three quite diverse regions of rural New Zealand and yet, they have one thing in common. They represent a snapshot of the growing awareness by farmers who have acknowledged the need to rethink and be proactive in addressing the future environmental challenges that lie before us. Read more >>

December 2021

Forestry contractors are bracing for a tough summer as they wait for log prices to recover and harvesting to regain momentum Read more >>

Key players in the forestry industry are encouraged to have their say on the design of a new registration system for log traders and forestry advisors Read more >>

Beef + Lamb New Zealand says the growing chorus of voices against unchecked carbon farming cannot be ignored Read more >>

New Zealand Forest Service will stop issuing preliminary ETS assessments from 24 December 2021 Read more >>

The At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs dropped on average $18 per JASm3 in the higher quality grades and $23 per JASm3 in the lower quality grades Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $68 (view graph) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Despite what seems at times the endless frustrations of doing business in an environment largely controlled by a global pandemic, one of the very few stand out performers must be the strong rise in value of carbon units within the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). It was not so very long ago we were seeing the dollar value per tonne of carbon in the twenties. Now the Government has removed the cap allowing the value to ebb and flow in the open market, albeit with the inevitable tweaking as we progress, the current value is a whisker below $70 per tonne. Read more >>

November 2021

Summit Forests receives approval for the acquisition of two Crown Forestry Licences from Ernslaw One Read more >>

New Zealand has jumped in boots and all replacing high carbon emitting coal boilers with cleaner ones powered by wood pellets Read more >>

New Zealand could face a shortage of export logs within the next decade, caused by insufficient planting activity after the 1990s forestry boom, a new report says Read more >>

A seven-year forestry study aims to determine the most effective measures for reducing erosion and sediment in rivers from harvesting Read more >>

Prices for logs in China are reasonable but extremely high shipping costs continue to adversely affect NZ returns Read more >>

MPI releases cabinet paper covering current ETS changes relating to forestry Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $65 (view graph) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
The conclusion of COP26 in Glasgow has delivered yet another result that some will dismiss as the product of just another talk fest. While others attempt to make as much mileage as possible from the fact, they did achieve an agreement to reduce fossil fuel burning, i.e., coal. However, given the number of years these future defining meetings have been held, in Copenhagen, Paris and now Glasgow, there isn't very much at all in the clear and directional result basket. Read more >>

October 2021

Growing demand to get Hawkes Bay logs to port will see KiwiRail increase its log trains so they run every weekday Read more >>

Forestry Minister Stuart Nash has planted the first XyloGene seedlings of eucalypt species that produce durable heartwood Read more >>

Two European pension funds, have agreed to purchase Sinotrans New Zealand Limited's shareholding in Wenita Forest Products Limited Read more >>

Ingka Group, the largest franchisee of Ikea stores internationally, has received OIO approval to purchase the 5,500ha Wisp Hill Station in the Owaka Valley for forestry development Read more >>

There are close on 400,000 hectares of non-registered post-1989 forests eligible to join the ETS Read more >>

Government consultation document shows the amount of forest estimated to meet climate targets is more than the Climate Change Commission expected Read more >>

Average ages and basic rules for averaging accounting now available Read more >>

A stark report on the future of carbon farming on the East Coast has concluded land planted in pine trees for carbon will be losing money in 100 years Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $64 (view graph) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Farming with Forestry    I watched Country Calendar last week, as many of us do, for it must be one of the most popular and enduring programmes on the quality content starved television networks.    Of course, this programme benefits enormously by the visually stunning countryside that is New Zealand. It is obvious the camera lens loves New Zealand. I do however also believe there is a common thread running through the people featured, contributing greatly to the programme's appeal. Read more >>

September 2021

Overseas investors Port Blakely, Cerberus and Corisol have been cleared to purchase 3,545 hectares of forest land Read more >>

Using methyl bromide in ships' holds will be banned from 1 January 2023 Read more >>

Contractors are losing out on work as forest owners cancel pending contracts to hold out for log prices to rise Read more >>

Carbon price surge signals healthy ETS market

Prices for export logs in August dropped around $35 per JAS m3 from July prices, due to the combination of reduced demand in China and increased shipping costs Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $64 (view graph) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
In the interest of avoiding repetition of dialogue relating to the environment of change, we are now all having to deal with, let's cut to the chase and focus on solutions to clear the way for the journey ahead.     Bringing a forestry element on to some farms is a concept some would find difficult to accept. However, one message is coming through loud and clear. The old rule book has been hammered by people in town using their political clout. Read more >>

August 2021

Forestry contractors say they are losing money, work and jobs as a result of fluctuations in the market for timber and delays at ports Read more >>

It has been estimated about 26,550 ha of the 77,800 ha of whole farms sold into forestry since 2017 were to carbon-only entities Read more >>

Ernslaw One has announced the appointment of Darren Mann to the role of Chief Executive Officer Read more >>

Jason Wilson has been appointed to the position of Deputy Director-General - Te Uru Rakau (New Zealand Forest Service) at the Ministry for Primary Industries Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $49.75 (view graph) Read more >>

New forests for sale (view listings)

July 2021

Overseas Investment Office has given consent to 100% Malaysian-owned company to purchase 460ha in Southland for forest planting Read more >>

The biggest proportion of land sold to foreign ownership, 39 percent, was for forestry Read more >>

Te Uru Rakau launch website to support the forestry sector with information on planting, growing and managing trees, and to encourage investment across the wider industry Read more >>

The Government is reviewing industrial allocation (also known as free allocation) in the Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

The PF Olsen Log Price Index increased $6 to a record $138 in June. The index is currently $18 above the two-year average, and $14 above the three and five-year averages Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $47.45 (view graph) Read more >>

New forests for sale (view listings)

June 2021

Norske Skog's Tasman pulp and paper mill at Kawerau has confirmed it will close Read more >>

Whakatane Mill has been officially sold to a consortium of investors led by European investor Dr Dermot Smurfit Read more >>

International demand for logging is driving up the price of woodchips used to fuel eco-friendly boilers Read more >>

Log demand in China is outpacing supply with Chinese construction activity now above pre-Covid levels Read more >>

The forest industry says the Climate Change Commission is risking forest planting rates Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $40.50 (view graph) Read more >>

New forests for sale (view listings)

May 2021

Latest research by Te Uru Rakau shows seedling sales hit almost 92 million seedlings in 2020, 3 million more than the year before Read more >>

Otago regional councillors have voted to lobby central government for national changes to standards for carbon forestry Read more >>

The government has failed to meet a deadline it set itself to give local councils more control when dealing with forestry conversions Read more >>

Hawkes Bay Regional Council is proposing an ambitious tree planting solution to address the region's significant erosion challenges in a way that retains and strengthens pastoral farms Read more >>

Domestic prices for structural and industrial logs increased up to $5 per tonne in many regions in response to the recent price increase for export logs Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $37.25 (view graph) Read more >>

New forest for sale (view listings)

April 2021

Carter Holt Harvey has stopped supplying ITM, Mitre 10 and Bunnings with wood products Read more >>

Planting non-native trees is a better way for the government to tackle climate change according to the New Zealand Forest Owners Association Read more >>

Consultation opens on plans to phase out fossil fuels in process heat Read more >>

Forestry export prices reaching three year highs

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $37.30 (view graph) Read more >>

One new property for planting, three new forests for sale (view listings) Read more >>

March 2021

Upcoming Farm Forestry Conference
The next NZ Farm Forestry Association conference being held at Te Papa, Wellington from 24-28 March. There are some excellent speakers organised, including Hon Stuart Nash, the Minister of Forestry; Ray Smith, Director General, MPI; Simon Upton, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; Sir Stephen Tindall; Bryan Smith from Ministry for the Environment on Fresh Water; and a few experienced farm foresters like Denis Hocking and Paul Millen. Read more >>

The Whakatane Mill will close and just over 210 staff will be made redundant, most by the end of June Read more >>

Wood processors are slamming successive governments for failing to support New Zealand's struggling wood processing mills Read more >>

The first steam from Danone Nutricia NZ's innovative new biomass boiler plant in South Otago is expected in August Read more >>

Consent granted for Sumitomo to purchase Twin Valley Forest and Adamson Forest together have a total area of 1,070 hectares with a combined net stocked area of 702 hectares of radiata pine Read more >>

Te Uru Rakau - Forestry New Zealand is seeking feedback on proposed amendments to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Forestry Regulations Read more >>

Since December there has been a 15% increase in CFR sale prices for logs in China Read more >>

February 2021

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $39.20 (see chart) Read more >>

Russia is planning to ban exports of its logs, which could boost demand in China for logs from other sources Read more >>

The Forest Owners Association says the Climate Change Commission has endorsed the "crucial role" exotic forestry will carry out in meeting New Zealand's net greenhouse gas emission targets in 2030 and 2050 Read more >>

The December AWG prices for export grade logs increased by 7-8 NZD per JASm3 from November prices. Log prices increased in China as the market reacted to the ban of Australian logs Read more >>

December 2020

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $37.80 (see chart) Read more >>

Niagara Sawmilling Company Ltd confirmed it had recently reached an agreement with Winton-based sawmill, Craigpine Timber Ltd, to buy the company Read more >>

A forestry company barred from harvesting is considering leaving Marlborough after ending a court battle Read more >>

Log trains will return to the Wairoa-Napier line Read more >>

Directors of the Forest Growers Levy Trust have raised the rate on Harvested Wood Materials Read more >>

ForestX Comment
It's been a crazy year, all the very best for Christmas from the team here at ForestX.

November 2020

Nelson Forests receives standing consent to obtain security of its wood supply Read more >>

Overseas investors were barred from turning Marlborough farmland into forest after a minister questioned its benefits Read more >>

OJI Fibre receives standing consent for forestry activities in order to secure future wood fibre supply for its pulp and paper operations at the Kinleith Mill in Tokoroa and the Tasman Mill in Kawerau Read more >>

Norwegian forest products company Norske Skog plans to decide on the future of its Tasman newsprint mill at Kawerau early next year, and has warned no options are off the table Read more >>

The November AWG prices for export grade logs increased by 1-2 NZD per JASm3 from October prices Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $35.75 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
At a recent meeting with industry, new Forestry Minister Stuart Nash floated the return of the 'Forest Service' label for his Ministry. The 'Forest Service' was originally established in 1919. It was responsible for the management of New Zealand's state-owned forests, including forestry, conservation and recreational functions. Although highly regarded the Service was abolished in 1987 as state-owned forests were sold. Read more >>

October 2020

ForestX Comment
The significant event of the past 30 days has been election of a Labour Government with sufficient mandate to run its own policies. It does not have a specific forestry policy but the following individual commitments have been made: Continue [to] work towards New Zealand's goal of planting one billion trees by 2028; Resource consent [will] be required for plantation or carbon forests on Land Use Read more >>

September 2020

Wood processing company Claymark has been bought out of receivership as a going concern by a locally led consortium Read more >>

The former Far East sawmill at Matawhero should be back in operation by the end of next month, employing 45 people Read more >>

Four Bay of Plenty timber businesses will receive investments totalling nearly $22 million through the Provincial Growth Fund Read more >>

Timberlink New Zealand has announced it will close its Blenheim sawmill operations Read more >>

The Government will help fund the construction of a rail hub in Rangitīkei dedicated to handling and transporting logs from around the lower North Island Read more >>

Domestic demand for logs and sawn timber remains strong with many mills operating extra shifts to increase supply. CFR sale prices for logs in New Zealand's main log export destination China increased an average of 8 USD per JASm3 over the last mont Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $34.55 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
With the election on us, what of the past three years? Gone are the stories of what used to be called "the wall of wood". Instead the industry has raised its profile and become an everyday news item. The debate has been around changing rural land use as the decline in plantation levels has been arrested. Some wood processors have found new life while others have exited. Both log and carbon prices have been at higher levels than many had expected. Read more >>

August 2020

Parliament has passed the Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Bill Read more >>

The President of the Forest Owners Association has apologised for slash washing down onto Tolaga Bay beach (listen) Read more >>

Forestry returns are easing in the global market but remain strong locally Read more >>

Fonterra is one step away from pushing the go button on its first factory to convert from coal to wood pellet energy Read more >>

A bio-refinery is being planned for Gisborne to produce material made from forestry waste that can replace products which use oil in their manufacture Read more >>

NZU carbon credits have been trading at $33.57 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
These are exciting times. With Fonterra's and Futurity's announcements we are being given a glimpse of what the future of the forestry industry might look like. We have had a series of local sawmill closures as a result of limited forward demand for timber products. There has been uncertainty over export log prices with waning interest in our major export markets. However, we are being shown alternative paths. Read more >>

July 2020

50 Shades of Green is to launch a TV campaign to raise awareness of the impact of carbon forestry on New Zealand's sheep and beef sector Read more >>

New Zealand runs a serious risk of failing to meet legally mandated goals on climate change, according to the Forest Owners Association Read more >>

Labour MPs say they will require any conversion of highly productive farmland into forestry to have a resource consent to ensure rural communities are well supported Read more >>

Export demand for logs has not increased at the same pace as global log supply Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $32.20 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
As we enter the election campaign the tone set by our politicians will influence industry confidence into the future. Some politicians are suggesting that forestry is not a fully productive activity and should therefore be regulated out of certain classes of land. Industry confidence will diminish if political debate continues to operate on an emotional level with little reference to the facts. Emotional debate tends to lead politicians to regulatory control rather than use of existing commercial forces. Read more >>

June 2020

Carter Holt Harvey Chief Executive, Prafull Kesha, said their proposed restructure intended to end LVL's export business and refocus it to a domestic operation Read more >>

Ernslaw One says the Government's planned regulation of the industry may stall four projects the firm was considering to expand its processing capacity Read more >>

A law requiring forestry advisers, log traders and exporters to join a register and agree to work on nationally agreed standards received scathing criticism at a parliamentary select committee Read more >>

The Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill is currently going through Parliament. It is expected to be passed shortly. Regulations are expected to be gazetted by the end of this year Read more >>

The At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices paid by log exporters in May increased 50-56 NZD per JASm3 from the prices received by forest owners in March prior to the COVID-19 lockdown. This is an increase in sale prices of 50-56% depending upon the grade and len Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $31.40 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
The Government's 'Log Traders' Bill has stirred up the inevitable adversarial position taking in the sector, without providing any real leadership. The issue remains as to how this vital sector stabilises and progresses given strong Chinese market influence. The log market is heavily subsidised by the Chinese Government's policies and monetary conditions. We are too small to take our own stand in a Donald Trump fashion, we need to play within the rules being set by the Chinese. Read more >>

May 2020

A forestry leader says export prices for logs are sky rocketing as Chinese buyers look to rebuild inventories (listen) Read more >>

International forestry investment manager New Forests announced the extension of its flagship forestry fund, the Australia New Zealand Forest Fund (ANZFF). Originally launched in 2010 as a 10-year, closed-end fund, ANZFF was converted into an extende Read more >>

The Forestry Minister will this afternoon tell overseas owners of New Zealand forests that they'll have to do more for local employment than they have in the past (listen) Read more >>

New legislation introduced as part of Budget 2020 will require forestry advisers, log traders and exporters to register and work to nationally agreed practice standards Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.67 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Shane Jones' musings on log export restrictions appear to have died a natural death. But, everyone agrees on his sentiment that we need stronger debate on the industry's future. We need to tackle head on the industry's reliance on a narrow selection of markets. Could we please stop talking about adding value to our logs and start getting specific about what processing has a chance of actually achieving better margins? More to the point unless there is even wood flow out into the future in each of our forest regions, how do we expect anyone to invest in any form of processing? What is it about the industry that has it at the bottom of local investors' list of targets? Finally, let's get down to some of the harder issues, like the bio security risk in having all our eggs in the Pinus Radiata basket. Read more >>

April 2020

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) is ramping up support for Tairawhiti's wood processing sector to bolster the region's economy at a time of heightened uncertainty, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones has instructed officials to explore law changes that would ensure wood product is prioritised for New Zealand-based projects after the COVID-19 lockdown, instead of it being shipped overseas Read more >>

Foresters are saying that log supply to domestic and export markets is inextricably linked and can't be separated, as Forests Minister Shane Jones now seems to be advocating Read more >>

The Hawke's Bay Regional Council and Wairoa District Council have committed to working together on managing the growth in the planting and harvest of forestry in the Wairoa District Read more >>

Hikurangi Forest Farms Limited has been sentenced on two charges under the Resource Management Act for discharging contaminants - logging debris, slash and sediment - to land in circumstances where it entered water Read more >>

During March there have been gradual increases in the price for radiata pine logs in China Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.25 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Let's leave it to the historians to judge whether the Covid-19 lockdown was a complete over-reaction, right now we need to get the forestry industry back to work. It makes no sense for forest regions like East Cape with 3 virus cases, Whanganui with 7 and Wairarapa with 8 to have to continue to suffer a cure that is worse than the original disease. Lets get the forestry industry back working again so that it can play its part in the economic recovery effort which should now be the focus. Read more >>

March 2020

The Forest Owners Association says precautions in China against coronavirus have resulted in almost no offtake of logs in China for processing, exporters understand that the remaining log yard space at most ports near processing centres is quickly di Read more >>

New Zealand Forest Industry Contractors Association says the forestry "crisis" is dire and contractors are reaching breaking point in an ever-worsening situation Read more >>

Industry sources say City Forests, which operates forestry plantations spanning more than 16,000ha near Dunedin, has tendered for two Otago farms as part of its forest estate expansion strategy Read more >>

Invercargill City Forests Ltd's forestry estate of more than 3,000ha is now on the market after the Invercargill City Council's holding company was directed to rationalise its portfolio in May last year Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones has announced two One Billion Trees programme grants of more than $1.18 million to help hapu and iwi in Northland restore whenua and moana Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $25.20 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Unfortunately, the forestry industry is seeing the results of a shift in Chinese demand from New Zealand pine to beetle infested European spruce which has to be harvested sooner rather than later. New rail links from Europe to China make the shift economic. For the longer term new generation, more fuel efficient, shipping will increase the reach of China around the world. The writing was on the wall last year as the Chinese encouraged log prices to fall, it remains on the wall as the virus is used to further encourage prices to fall. Read more >>

February 2020

Forestry Minister Shane Jones says help is on the way for the forestry industry which is struggling with supply chain problems in China, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 Read more >>

The recovery of log export prices could be short lived on the back of competitive tensions in Asia, and as the coronavirus slows down construction in China Read more >>

Log trains are about to start running between Wairoa and Napier following Provincial Growth Fund investment to reopen the rail line Read more >>

Figures released by Te Uru Rakau (Forestry New Zealand) this week show 228 grant applications were received for funding under the Government's One Billion Trees Programme this year, a total of $42.55 million being allocated across 42 projects Read more >>

Climate Change Minister James Shaw says research shows that a $40 price was around the point where businesses started seriously investing in cleaner technology Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Business and insurance sensitivities run high after the Australian forest fires. The probability of catastrophic fire sweeping through tree crowns in the life of a plantation has greatly increased. Even when trees do survive fire events of the severity experienced in Australia recently, their health and prospects for further yield are compromised. Many Australian independent growers are reconsidering their future. Read more >>

December 2019

Forestry company Claymark has been placed into receivership Read more >>

Juken New Zealand has been fined $152,000 for contributing logging debris that caused millions of dollars of damage in the southwest of Gisborne Read more >>

Pioneer Energy Wood Fuel is delivering energy prices of between 4-5 cents per kilowatt, compared with about 24 cents per kilowatt for residential electricity users Read more >>

Government's commitment of $380,000 funding from the Provincial Growth Fund for ground-breaking research on whether Radiata Pine could be used in developing a bio-degradable alternative to single-use plastics Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs delivered to ports around New Zealand in November increased by an average of NZD5 per JASm3. Since July the average AWG prices have now increased by approximately NZD25 per JASm3 Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.75 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
With submissions being called in relation to both the new carbon legislation and associated regulations here is a summary of the submission we have made, aimed at building confidence in the carbon regime:        One source of truth - most land owners find the system complex, while it may need to be so, finding and applying the rules could be easier: is it possible to move to a single manual and decision support tool that can be relied upon to always be up-to-date, including warnings on pending changes?      Irrefutable status of existing registration - we have had to deal with some irate land owners that didn't know they were part of the ETS as pre-1990 participants: is it possible that if a property is in the ETS this status is recorded on the certificate of title without fail and the record include the type of registration?    Pre-approval - much time is wasted with land owners speculating whether their land will be approved as eligible for registration in the ETS: for all likely land, probably Land Use Classes 7 and 8, is MPI able to make an initial assessment of whether it is likely to be approved for registration with this information being searchable on a public database?    Improved data - much time is wasted speculating on likely sequestration levels, the highest quality data is held within the ETS system at great expense to participants: could the MPI publish summaries of this data at a district level with it being searchable on a public database?    Political transparency - ultimately the carbon price is a political as opposed to market price similar to interest rates but unlike interest rates central government does not provide price guidance as an indicator of its policy thrust: would the government consider an annual policy statement as to policy direction and project expected price levels in commitment to the stated direction?    Commutability - a potentially separate system for agriculture has left a level of confusion as to an appropriate path for forestry: could this be soothed by opening a discussion on the basis on which NZUs can be used within the agricultural emissions system?      You can make your own submission through the MPI website. Read more >>

November 2019

Wood and paper traders will have preferential access to China in an upgrade to the New Zealand and China free trade agreement Read more >>

Japanese owned Pan Pac Forest Products has been given special approval to bypass the OIO to purchase land for forestry for the next three years Read more >>

Overseas Investment Office (OIO) decisions made in September and released recently show sheep and beef farms of 2200 hectares in Gisborne, Wairoa and Whangarei being sold to overseas parties to convert to forestry Read more >>

Federated Farmers fears large-scale forestry conversion puts the rural way of life at risk by replacing the daily flow of the rural economy with a 25 year investment Read more >>

Hundreds of farmers have marched on parliament saying the countryside risks being swamped by tree planting and their livelihoods risk going to the wall (listen) Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs delivered to ports around New Zealand increased by an average of NZD8 per JASm3 in October Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $25 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
All major parties have supported the net zero carbon legislation. Given the efficiency of trees as a carbon sink we can be assured of a focus on tree planting into the longer term. Government management of the carbon price has been sufficient for the ETS to be effective in ensuring harvested trees are replanted but as yet the price hasn't been managed to a level to finance significant new planting. Read more >>

October 2019

An RNZ investigation has found at least 36,000 hectares of farm land has been sold to forestry in the last 18 months, including highly-regarded sheep and beef stations Read more >>

Forestry deals continue to keep the Overseas Investment Office busy and 16 consents have been approved since the new streamlined forestry test was introduced in October 2018 Read more >>

Foreign forestry companies identified as NZ's biggest landowners Read more >>

Asked if there were too many forests at the expense of farm land, the Prime Minister responded that there wasn't as the country had lost forestry land into conversion agricultural land and not always "land that was appropriate to agricultural land" ( Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones is considering reining in conversions of farmland to forestry after a rural backlash Read more >>

The One Billion Trees Fund has just hit two significant milestones that will create more than 7,500 hectares of new forest cover, Forestry Minister Shane Jones says Read more >>

Forestry industry officials are still feeling gloomy about the log trade, ten weeks after a collapse in sales to China caused layoffs and left logging trucks lying idle Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.75 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
Recent radio interviews have suggested that healthy debate may be taking place within Government as to sensible levels of forestry for the future. When asked whether too much land was destined for forestry, the Prime Minister indicated comfort with current projections. Asked the same question a week later, the Minister of Forestry indicated that we may not wish to see much more productive pasture disappear into trees. Read more >>

September 2019

Forestry deals continue to keep the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) busy and 16 consents have been approved since the new streamlined forestry test was introduced in October 2018 Read more >>

Claymark has announce that its controlling shareholder has entered into an agreement with NZ Future Forests Products Ltd (NZFFP) to acquire the Claymark Group including all operations in New Zealand and the United States Read more >>

The Northland Regional Council is facing a loss of $800,000 dollars after investing in a high-tech timber mill at Marsden Point Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.85 (see chart) Read more >>

ForestX Comment
In the most recent set of ETS announcements forests registered in the ETS before 2019 will not be able to transition to averaging accounting. Other announcements include provision for foresters using averaging to offset their liabilities by planting an equivalent forest elsewhere and that foresters using averaging won't have to pay back NZUs after adverse events. What has not been clear is when the legislation will be introduced to Parliament. Read more >>

August 2019

KiwiRail's proposed freight hub at Dannevirke may extend Napier Port's log catchment further south, but is more likely to put existing trucked freight onto rail, port chief executive Todd Dawson says Read more >>

Since 2011 almost 21,000 hectares worth $89 million has been sold to foreigners to plant trees Read more >>

Ngai Tahu Farming is converting Eyrewell Forest into dairy farming as the forest is felled Read more >>

Climate change policy and the ETS has topped the list of farmers' biggest concerns for the first time since 2010, according to Federated Farmers' latest Farm Confidence Survey Read more >>

Government plans to begin phasing down NZU industrial allocation at 1 per cent per year from 2021-2030, then at 2 per cent from 2030-2041, and at 3 per cent per year from 2041-2050 Read more >>

The CFR sale price in China for New Zealand logs has increased to around 113 USD per JAS m3 for A grade. Log supply into China has reduced considerably while log demand is still relatively healthy as they progress through their hotter months of the y Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $24.35 (see chart) Read more >>

July 2019

With the mountain of logs in China now estimated at more than 4 million cu m, or more than two months' supply, demand into China has virtually dried up, with prices falling by about 20% since early July Read more >>

In-market prices for logs in China - New Zealand's largest export market - have fallen in recent weeks and ANZ Bank warns the drop will make the harvest of some woodlots unprofitable Read more >>

Beef + Lamb New Zealand has expressed concerns about the potential impacts on communities of ''wholesale conversions'' of regions into forestry Read more >>

Farmland is not being gobbled up by forestry, and tree planting is moving the pendulum back after years of deforestation, Forestry Minister Shane Jones says Read more >>

A Tolaga Bay man whose farm was wrecked in last year's devastating storms which washed debris and logs onto roads and farmland is delighted one of the forestry companies has pleaded guilty to causing damage Read more >>

Moving another 100,000 tonnes of logs by rail from the Wairarapa to CentrePort benefits the region and means 6,000 fewer truck trips annually, Forestry and Associate Transport Minister Shane Jones says Read more >>

A $40 million project to reopen the mothballed Stratford to Okahukura rail line is a priority for new KiwiRail chief executive Greg Miller Read more >>

NZU carbon credits last traded at $22.90 (see chart) Read more >>

June 2019

Government forestry incentives have seen a 45% increase in forestry farm prices over the past year Read more >>

Forestry encroachment onto higher-value farm land is an issue for councils to manage, Lands Minister, Eugenie Sage says Read more >>

Thousands of hectares of prime Wairoa farmland sold to out-of-town forestry investors in recent months could have a "catastrophic" impact on the town Read more >>

The Forest Owners Association says the only way New Zealand can meet its international obligations to reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent in the next ten years is to plant 500,000 hectares of trees (hear more) Read more >>

There are fears the Government's goal to plant one billion trees by 2028 could be toppled by a chronic labour shortage Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones says if the goal of planting a billion trees by 2028 is to be met, forestry workers will need to be brought in from overseas Read more >>

A potential rail hub near Dannevirke could take 200,000 tonnes of logs off the regions roads, KiwiRail Deputy Chief Executive, Todd Moyle says Read more >>

Wood is a viable industrial fuel but greater effort may be needed to ensure that new demand from processors doesn't strip supplies from existing users, Fonterra says Read more >>

Avatar director James Cameron and Hobbit director Sir Peter Jackson, possibly anticipating land use changes, have joined forces to promote a meatless future Read more >>

ForestX's Comment
With the one billion trees planting programme now in full swing there have been some strong reactions from farmers. We are finally having a full debate in the media on sustainable land use. This is a debate we should have had before the one billion tree programme started. Commentators are focusing on sheep and beef hill country. What is the best use of this finite resource: pasture or trees? Plantation forests have been seen as the only way of making a serious attempt at meeting our Paris agreement climate objectives. Read more >>

May 2019

An arrangement signed by New Zealand and China paves the way for future forestry cooperation and boosting bilateral trade Read more >>

More and more of Wairarapa's rolling green pastures are being blanket-planted with pine trees, which rural communities warn are killing their way of life Read more >>

North Canterbury farmers have expressed concerns at the Ministry of Primary Industries "One Billion Trees'' programme Read more >>

Many industries within the primary sector are facing staffing issues, the retention rate of new entrants to forestry after three years averaged only 30% Read more >>

A forestry company has been fined more than $70,000 after poor practices led to significant sediment pollution in the Marlborough Sounds Read more >>

A large number within the industry want to be able to use carbon credits from other countries Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $25.35

The Government will make an announcement regarding the NZ ETS at 5.15pm today Read more >>

April 2019

Introduction of averaging accounting for all forests registered from January 1 2021 and the option to use the new accounting method for all forests registered in 2019 and 2020 Read more >>

The government has secured its second-largest forestry planting partnership as part of its one billion tree programme Read more >>

The Forestry Minister says the industry has a moral obligation to reduce harm caused by Methyl Bromide Read more >>

The rules governing forestry are too light and need to be reviewed, environmental groups say Read more >>

The report by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton, Farms, Forests and Fossil Fuels: The Next Great Landscape Debate, concluded the planting of trees could only buy a little more time and would not fix the problem in the long ru Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand decreased on average 7 NZD per JASm3 in April. This decrease in AWG prices is due to a combination of increased shipping costs and uncertainty in the China log market Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $25.65

ForestX's Comment
Congratulations to the Government on the long awaited announcement on a move to “averaging” carbon when accounting for tree crop sequestration in the Emissions Trading Scheme. The early cashflow effect from this for landholders makes commercial forestry a much more attractive land use option. But, as the demand for carbon offsets increase, to possibly balance agricultural emissions, will future governments be brave enough to let the carbon market run its course? If the answer is yes, returns from carbon may come to outstrip the returns from logs. Read more >>

March 2019

Air New Zealand, Contact Energy, Genesis Energy and Z Energy have joined forces to create a partnership that will establish a forest portfolio to sequester carbon Read more >>

OneFortyOne has announced that as a result of strong domestic demand it has advised customers that there will be no sawlog exported from its estate until at least June 2020 Read more >>

The new owner of the Waverley Sawmill in Taranaki says a $30 million state-of-the-art plant could be built to replace it in a few years Read more >>

East Coast forestry companies plead not guilty to slash damage Read more >>

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand decreased on average 5 NZD per JASm3 in March from the February prices. This decrease in AWG prices is due to increased ocean freight costs for export log cargo Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $25.20

February 2019

Australian-based international New Forests has agreed to acquire Hikurangi Forest Farms on behalf of its investment clients subject to Overseas Investment Office approval Read more >>

Nelson Forests' acquisition of Manuka Island estate has been confirmed by the Overseas Investment Office Read more >>

Amid record returns for forestry exporters, the sector in New Zealand is being warned that the global demand for logs is beginning to trend downwards Read more >>

Tasman fire costing industry $2m a day

At wharf gate prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand increased on average 12-13 NZD per JASm3 over the last two months. This is due to a combination of increases in the CFR sale prices in China and a reduction in ocean freight costs. A Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $25.20

ForestX's Comment
Right from the start Shane Jones said he would have preferred the fisheries portfolio to the forestry portfolio. He has said that he took forestry at the request of his leader. After just over a year in the job the Minister has received widespread praise for lifting the profile of the industry. Now in his second year as Minister of Forestry the question being asked is whether he has sufficient grasp of available policy options to win the hearts and minds of land owners to encourage planting levels. Read more >>

December 2018

China Forestry Group NZ and Taranakipine sawmill in New Plymouth have signed a supply agreement that supports long term wood processing in New Plymouth Read more >>

Alliance Group chairman Murray Taggart has expressed concern over what he sees as the Government's apparent determination to subsidise forestry plantings at the expense of low environmental impact sheep and beef farming Read more >>

New $118 million grant scheme to help landowners plant trees has been announced by the Government Read more >>

The Government's adoption of auctions for the emissions trading scheme will leave in place the $25 fixed-price option for next year Read more >>

A new permanent post-1989 forestry activity within the ETS will replace the current Permanent Forestry Sink Initiative Read more >>

ForestX's comment:
Bio-based plastics made from forest resource have been under study for years. Many can serve as drop-in replacements for the fossil-fuel based plastics that most of us are familiar with, such as polystyrene and polyethylene. Overseas the momentum for a new bio-plastics industry is building. The UK government has set a target of eliminating all avoidable plastic waste by 2042. Bioplastics will play a crucial role in achieving this target. Read more >>

November 2018

Salt Funds Management plans to list a dedicated carbon fund, opening up the green commodity directly for retail investors Read more >>

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) will provide a loan of up to $1.8 million to TaranakiPine to allow the company to diversify and create new jobs Read more >>

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced up to $19 million in co-funding to increase the national coverage of LiDAR data - precise measurements of the earth's surface done from the air and used for creating 3D maps to manage Read more >>

In November prices for unpruned saw logs increased by 3-4 NZD per JASm3 at all ports while pruned logs increased 7-9 NZD per JASm3 Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $24.85

Graham West's comment
The recent indication that the future of the One Billion Tree fund will be two thirds orientated toward planting native species indicates that the Government has capitulated to anti-commercial forestry sentiment. Many miss the broader picture that commercial forestry has been a successful part of the rural landscape for more than 60 years and contributes significantly to regional economies. The NZ Farm Forestry Association has 1,500 members, there are another 10-12,000 small scale forest owners who have directly invested in forestry, and if shareholders of syndicates are counted the number of investors rises to near 100,000. Read more >>

October 2018

The Overseas Investment Office has given approval for NS Norway to buy Norwegian company Norske Skog's Kawerau assets for $29.9 million Read more >>

A Japanese-owned forestry company has promised to give 148 hectares of land to a local iwi for free as part of its consent from the Overseas Investment Office permission to buy 1,241ha near Whanganui Read more >>

Juken New Zealand Ltd confirms plan to return Kaitaia Triboard mill to profitability Read more >>

The Malaysian owner of a forestry company blamed for tonnes of debris washing up in Tolaga Bay has been fined twice for illegal logging overseas, but it took the Overseas Investment Office nine years to realise Read more >>

Fears forestry slash on council-owned land along the Maitai River could damage residential areas in a major storm has led to an investigation of harvesting rules Read more >>

The forestry industry has unveiled a robotic tree logger to cut deaths and injuries and boost production Read more >>

The PF Olsen Log Price Index increased $3 to $130 for October, the index is currently $4 above the two-year average, $6 above the three-year average, and $15 higher than the five-year average Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $25.25

ForestX's comment
A recent meeting of nearly forty bankers, accountants and solicitors in Hamilton confirmed forestry as an important diversification for farmers to consider in developing a more resilient cash flow from their property. It was further confirmed that understanding the major drivers of forest profitability was needed to avoid the mistakes of the past. Three simple criteria apply: location, location and location. Read more >>

September 2018

South Australian-based sustainable forestry company OneFortyOne Plantation has just completed the purchase of the 60,000ha Nelson Forests, after approval by the Overseas Investment Office Read more >>

The Australian forestry company, OneFortyOne, plans to buy the Manuka Island forest estate, near Blenheim, for an undisclosed sum Read more >>

Japanese-owned wood products company Juken is to upgrade its board mill in Kaitaia but also cut the workforce Read more >>

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) will invest $500,000 in the Far East Saw Mill in Tairāwhiti to increase wood processing capacity and get local people into jobs Read more >>

Foresters and farmers are casting a wary eye over the Productivity Commission's wide-ranging report on the country meeting its climate change target; especially the required annual forest planting rate of 100,000ha Read more >>

Lees Seymour, managing director of Nelson Forest's management company, which has announced measures to tackle controversial forestry practices Read more >>

Safety fears about logging waste on land along the Maitai River, including at this council-owned site, has sparked an investigation Read more >>

ForestX's comment
As the Government considers various foreign investor applications in the forest and wood processing sectors what should it be looking for? More than anything it should be looking for the opportunity to bring improved management into the industry and joint ventures with local parties. It is no secret that the forestry industry has not performed as well as it could have and that New Zealand has not benefited as well as it should have. Read more >>

August 2018

The Government is doubling to nearly $500 million the funding for forestry planting from its Provincial Growth Fund Read more >>

Ngai Tahu is planting a million native trees in New Zealand and converting some of its farms to horticulture as part of its strategy to deal with climate change Read more >>

Forest Owners Association says not replanting trees in dangerous terrain will see landowners penalised for not meeting environmental regulations Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones and Minister for Climate Change James Shaw have today opened consultation on improvements to the Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

A report on alternative plantation forest species suited to steep erosion prone land has been released Read more >>

The Ministry for Primary Industries has welcomed two South Island councils, Nelson City and Marlborough District, into the Hill Country Erosion Fund Read more >>

ForestX's comment
The time is right to review the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), congratulations to the Government on getting its review underway. The ETS is a complex scheme that most people put in the too hard basket. Many attempts have been made at trying to explain it but with so many intricacies it’s a hard ask. One approach to simplification could be to accept that most people planting trees are pleased to do so for the environmental impact even if this is only ancillary to financial objectives. Read more >>

July 2018

Forestry investment manager New Forests has announced that its Australia New Zealand Forest Fund 2 has acquired a 38% shareholding in Wenita Forest Products Ltd and full ownership of the Otago Land Company. Read more >>

Z Energy has invested $1.5 million in permanent local forestry projects to voluntarily offset the emissions from their operations Read more >>

Government's Provincial Growth Fund is putting nearly $1 million into beefing up forestry in the Horizons Region Read more >>

The Gisborne District Council says the damage done by last month's flooding could take more than two years to fix Read more >>

The pyrolosis lab on Scion's Rotorua campus is turning wood biomass into biofuel Read more >>

July's At-Wharf-Gate (AWG) prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand are relatively unchanged from June prices Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $22.40

Graham West's comment
Radiata Pine will grow at about five times faster than native species. It grows almost anywhere, it's easy to establish and manage and the underpinning science has a 70-year record. It is now about 95% of the commercial plantation estate that returns over $5bn in export earnings. As the climate warms and CO2 intensifies, radiata will grow faster. Following the mantra “right tree, in the right place, for the right reason many commentators and land use articles are exploring alternative tree species to fix all manner of environmental ills. Read more >>

June 2018

Sumitomo Forestry's NZ unit posts record annual profit after buying Hancock forests Read more >>

Fletcher's Laminex exits 10-year investment in Southland MDF plant with sale to Daiken Read more >>

'More than enough' wood fibre to supply proposed $180M Kawerau plant, report says Read more >>

Te Uru Rakau (Forestry New Zealand) and the Ngati Hine Forestry Trust have signed a joint venture agreement to plant and manage around 3,600 hectares of pine trees on the trust's land Read more >>

Ngati Koata said a recent decision by the Nelson City Council to cut some of its forestry operations has highlighted a long-standing concern among iwi about being locked into onerous land deals Read more >>

Recent floods in Tasman, and now the East Cape could see increased use of continuous cover forestry Read more >>

Masses of forestry debris that flooded a small town north of Gisborne has created a $10 million cleanup Read more >>

Westpac economist Paul Clark predicts softening Chinese demand during the next year will see log prices fall Read more >>

Free manuka seedling offer nearly 200 percent oversubscribed Read more >>

Consultation paper proposing a dozen improvements to forestry regulations in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

The forestry industry is consulting plantation and farmer growers to determine whether they want a biosecurity levy Read more >>

May 2018

Forestry Minister Shane Jones has launched Te Uru Rakau, the first step in re-establishing a forestry service in New Zealand Read more >>

Te Uru Rakau will partner with Manuka Farming New Zealand to plant 1.8 million Manuka trees across New Zealand this year Read more >>

Southland District Council's forestry business is continuing to perform strongly, with an expected $2 million surplus this year Read more >>

New Zealand's export log market has picked up following a slowdown ahead of the Chinese New Year period and traders are optimistic about the outlook for the year ahead Read more >>

New Zealand mills producing sawn timber from unpruned logs report steady domestic sales while not as spectacular as last year in some regions Read more >>

The FMA has applied to the High Court at Nelson to place the Forestlands companies numbered 2-20 into liquidation Read more >>

New Zealand can achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 Read more >>

National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry commence

A Nelson conservation group has welcomed the news that the city council is to retire more than a fifth of its forestry land Read more >>

April 2018

The Government is set to announce it's struck a deal to plant four million trees on Ngati Hine land in the far North Read more >>

Investments in sensitive land involving forestry rights will be brought into the scope of the Overseas Investment Act Read more >>

The forestry industry is hoping robots will soon take over the most dangerous jobs Read more >>

Waitaki-based forestry operations could pay higher rates to keep up the district's roads Read more >>

Allbirds, the merino wool shoe company, is adding wood fibre to the range of materials it uses for a new range of sneakers Read more >>

Almost 90 per cent of the environmentally-damaging fine sediment at the mouth of the Moutere River came from pine forest Read more >>

Taking faster action on climate change could save New Zealand $30 billion by 2050, according to new research commissioned by Westpac Read more >>

Graham West's comment
Are we at a tipping point in forestry politics? Typically, small scale urban investors, farmers, and Iwi have been taking investment risk without good representation or support. Already there are 12-14,000 of them, about 30 percent of the total plantation area. If a further 500,000ha of trees are to be planted, it is more than likely that only this group will have the land to make the programme happen. Read more >>

March 2018

New Zealand exported a record volume of logs to China last year as Asia's largest economy clamped down on harvesting its own forests Read more >>

Forestry registration rights are to be brought under the control of the Overseas Investment Office Read more >>

The apple grower and logistics company, Scales, is eyeing a possible expansion into the forestry sector Read more >>

8% revenue increase in Kiwirail’s overall forestry business in the six months to December Read more >>

KiwiRail is beginning work on the much-delayed Napier to Wairoa rail reinstatement Read more >>

Bay of Plenty village Minginui is to get a funding boost of almost $6 million for a native plant nursery Read more >>

The owners of two Whanganui forests are frustrated by the difficulty of getting their trees registered in New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme Read more >>

New Zealand's carbon emissions continue to rise, but new figures from Statistics New Zealand show the increase is slower than growth in the economy for most of the last 25 years, suggesting a relative improvement in resource use Read more >>

Graham West's comment
Last month I commented on the need for good information and professional advice when converting land to forestry. There have been two studies that have looked back at past afforestation eras and calculated how much of that forested area is likely to be harvested at a profit or harvested at all. A study from the University of Canterbury looked at the Whanganui District in 2012 and estimated 5-10% of the forests may never be harvested because of high costs. Read more >>

February 2018

Record log exports last year could mean building timber shortages for domestic New Zealand housing and reliance on imported lumber Read more >>

China has largely stopped felling its forests while Canada and Russia are not supplying China at present, prompting it to purchase more logs from New Zealand and Australia Read more >>

No big land-bank of Crown land available to plant in trees, so effectively any planting of new land is largely going to come off land that is already in existing use Read more >>

The Overseas Investment Office has approved multiple deals allowing foreigners to buy tens of thousands of hectares of land in New Zealand, although two of the deals involve entities that are already partially foreign owned Read more >>

Juken New Zealand, a unit of Japan's WoodOne Ltd, is consulting workers at its Gisborne wood-processing mill on a plan that may see it halve the mill's workforce as it struggles to return to profitability in a highly competitive market Read more >>

Activate Tairawhiti and Eastland Community Trust have jointly announced the sale of Prime Sawmill to New Zealand-owned Far East Sawmills, guaranteeing the creation of between 50 and 60 jobs at the Prime Wood Processing Centre of Excellence by April Read more >>

Steve Wilton, of Masterton company Forest Enterprises, has initiated the latest stage of the company’s succession plan by handing the leadership to fellow Directors Read more >>

Pushing forestry back from the edges of the Marlborough Sounds will cost forest owners millions of dollars, with industry saying it could be seen as land confiscation Read more >>

Dunedin City Forests withdraws all public permits to enter its forest blocks and curtails its own operations Read more >>

Graham West's comment
Last year I commented on the high returns from current harvesting, however I don’t believe this is being translated into significant interest in new planting, certainly not at the rate of the governments aspirational target of 50,000ha per year. The Crown Forestry action is clearly around doing deals to secure land for leasing and other deal makers, like Toitu Te Waonui, and various forestry consultants, are doing the same, good on them. Read more >>

December 2017

Australian forestry company New Forests has a war chest of up to $500 million set aside for investing in New Zealand forestry Read more >>

Australian company is set to take Nelson's largest forestry business, Nelson Forests Read more >>

Forestry consultant calling for the forest industry to shorten the harvesting period for radiata pine trees to plug a predicted slow-down of wood supply Read more >>

Forestry investment company Rubicon is planning to sell its remaining stake in a central North Island wood products company Read more >>

A new directive for forestry directs the Overseas Investment Office to place high importance on increased processing of primary products and the advancement of the Government's policies when assessing applications for consent Read more >>

Forestry Minister Shane Jones has welcomed $7.4 million in erosion control funding for Gisborne district landowners Read more >>

The Ministry for Primary Industries will be separated into four divisions, with the ministry retaining an overarching role Read more >>

Air New Zealand is in the early stages of scoping the private afforestation fund with the government but planting could begin next year Read more >>

Graham West's comment
The recent log price reports and financial returns for forest woodlot investors indicate there is real money being made in radiata pine woodlots. Reports on export log prices (a rise of $4-5 a cubic metre) in the last month has added to the rising trend for the last two years. PF Olsen's log price index is now $16 higher than the 5-year average. This is great news for farmers and urban investors who were "lucky" enough to plant woodlots in the early 1990's. Read more >>

November 2017

A world-first DNA feat by New Zealand scientists could boost the way we grow the star species of our plantation forests Read more >>

Growth projections show the country is heading toward a log boom that will have 55 million cubic metres of timber ready for harvest in 2024, that's more than twice the current rate Read more >>

Builders say booming log exports mean New Zealand tradespeople are having to make do with second-rate timber Read more >>

Funds had been set aside to build a rail line to Northport and modernise the line to Auckland as a condition of New Zealand First's coalition deal with Labour, Minister Shane Jones said Read more >>

Napier Port says the volume of wood shipped through it's docks will double for almost a decade Read more >>

Oregon Group, which manages a New Zealand portfolio of businesses for Malaysia's Tiong family, expects record earnings in 2018 on rising prices for forest products Read more >>

The new Labour-led government is dismantling the mega MPI ministry, splitting it into three parts covering forestry, fisheries and agriculture respectively Read more >>

NZUs last traded at $19.20

Graham West's comment
The recent announcements on afforestation by the new government are welcomed. The traditional forest industry of international corporates and farm foresters have already planted their land. It is more likely young farmers and Iwi will have spare land for new planting. Four things will help. First, a broader coalition of stakeholders is needed. The coalition could include urban investors, as happened in the 1990s. Read more >>

October 2017

Some New Zealand forest owners are suspending replanting of trees and re-thinking investments as the country's third-largest export earner finds itself in the sights of Winston Peters' protectionist agenda Read more >>

The forestry sector is heading into 2018 with some speed wobbles, following stellar times during the past almost two years Read more >>

The forestry industry is facing a frightening amount of work in the next few years, as it struggles to attract staff, a forestry management company says Read more >>

A Maori forestry company in Northland is urging politicians to use it as a model for future regional development Read more >>

A United States company is now allowed to buy land in the Waimate District for a commercial forest Read more >>

It might be another year before the Napier to Wairoa rail line is operational Read more >>

Many pine forests around the country are developing an unwelcome red tinge. It's the sign of a relatively new disease in New Zealand; red needle cast Read more >>

Log prices paid by mills were generally unchanged with the occasional price increase for unpruned logs. Prices received for export logs delivered in October dropped. There has been a significant and relatively unforeseen increase in ocean freight Read more >>

Graham West's comment
Forest land buyers need to be aware of undisclosed carbon liability. Buying land that had forests on it prior to 1990, can lead to an unforeseen large carbon liability bill. Our recent experience with such properties has led us to discover there could be 160,000 ha of land where owners may not know they have a significant liability. That could be over 5000 woodlots nationally. These are previously forested areas that did not receive an allocation of carbon units, nor given an exemption from the ETS; hence there is no reason for a legal record, or entry on the land title. Read more >>

September 2017

Sumitomo Corp is reported to be looking to increase its supply of wood from its New Zealand forests by 60% by the year ending March 2020, as the Japanese trading house anticipates growing demand in China and other parts of Asia Read more >>

Northland wood processors are upset overseas companies are taking local trees before New Zealand-owned businesses have a chance to access them, and shipping unmilled logs straight to Shanghai Read more >>

Red Stag Timber, which developed New Zealand's first "super mill" a year ago, plans to step up production next year to meet demand in its local and overseas markets Read more >>

The Queenstown Lakes District Council has voted unanimously to adopt a recommendation to harvest the Coronet Forest early Read more >>

Wanganui foresters are worried by watching needles turn red and drop off radiata pines Read more >>

An amendment to the Real Estate Agents (Exemptions) Regulations 2017 will permit registered members of the NZ Institute of Forestry (NZIF) to carry out real estate work in the forestry sector without being licensed real estate agents Read more >>

Large swathes of New Zealand's forestry stock are reaching harvesting age, and the big chop has already sent greenhouse emissions climbing Read more >>

Forestry is poised to play a key role on farms as new limits around nutrients and carbon emissions are put in place Read more >>

Labour would establish a new Forestry Service in Rotorua Read more >>

NZ First will exit the Emissions Trading Scheme and replace it with a UK-style Climate Change Act Read more >>

Due to the drop in export prices the PF Olsen Log Price Index for August has dropped two dollars and is now at $125. The average sale price is still $13 per tonne above the three year average Read more >>

Graham West's comment
Many city politicians are promising to solve climate change with trees without understanding that forests can't just be established anywhere in the landscape. It's easy to talk this up, but we shouldn't make the same mistakes of the past (e.g. dairy conversions) of changing the land use to something the ecosystem can't handle. Farmers are ready and willing to do the right thing and plant their marginal land in trees. Read more >>

August 2017

Property mogul Sir Bob Jones plans to take the timber industry to new heights, by erecting the world's tallest wooden office building in central Wellington Read more >>

Global Forest Partners (GFP), a forestry investment company, hired investment UBS bank to sell Nelson Forests pine plantation business in New Zealand Read more >>

A Japanese forestry firm has bought more than 300ha of land planted in pine forest near Kaitaia Read more >>

A total of 5,183ha of new forest will be planted by 101 applicants who have received support through the 2017 Afforestation Grant Scheme funding round Read more >>

138ha of high erosion risk land in Northland have Afforestation Grant Scheme (AGS) applications pending with MPI Read more >>

Forest owners have been paying Whanganui District Council rates for 25 years and all they want in return is the roads to bring their logs out Read more >>

GE Free NZ welcomes the removal of an alarming draft clause that permitted the planting of GE rootstock Read more >>

A new nationwide set of environmental rules for managing New Zealand’s 1.7 million hectares of plantation forestry Read more >>

A report from Wood Resources International claims that although over 50% of the wood harvest in New Zealand is being exported as logs, lumber production had picked up by about ten percent over the last three years Read more >>

Southland students are trying their hand at operating "hi-tech" forestry equipment, as the industry tries to draw in more workers Read more >>

Variety rules a Waikato farm. Around 185ha of the flat to rolling contour property is in grass. The balance is steep land and hosts forestry Read more >>

ETS review may reduce forest planting while foresters wait for certainty Read more >>

July 2017

Japanese-owned Pan Pac Forest Products has completed the $24million redevelopment of its Milburn sawmill Read more >>

New Zealand structural log prices have hit their highest level in more than two decades Read more >>

The Southland District Council's forestry operation is set to post a big surplus this year, driven by soaring log prices Read more >>

A Nelson Forests contractor has been hit by a fourth "frustrating" burglary in less than a year Read more >>

The domestic demand for both pruned and structural logs remains strong and supply ranges from balanced to tight around the country, apart from a temporary glut of pruned logs in the Central North Island. The PF Olsen Log Price Index for June has dr Read more >>

June 2017

Reductions in domestic harvest in China impacting on New Zealand exports Read more >>

Exports of log and wood materials increased 15 percent to $4.14 billion in the year ending March 2017 Read more >>

Residential building permits for the first quarter of 2017 were 4% up on the corresponding period a year earlier Read more >>

New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 were 24.1 percent higher than 1990 levels Read more >>

Forest Owners Association concerned recent Budget didn’t address afforestation necessary for New Zealand to meet its Paris Agreement commitments on climate change Read more >>

New Zealand First confirms that it would abolish the ETS Read more >>

Export prices for logs delivered to NZ ports in May increased by an average of $4 per JASm3 from April prices Read more >>

May 2017

A Chinese wood-processing company is to build a new 100-job particle board factory in Kawerau Read more >>

Northland experiencing a shortage of labourers in the forestry sector Read more >>

Eastland Port making application for resource consent to expand its log export facility Read more >>

The Financial Markets Authority has called in the Serious Fraud Office to look at some aspects of its ongoing probe of the Forestlands forestry investment group of companies Read more >>

Queenstown Lakes District Council exploring wood energy options for the Central Otago region based on 4.5-6.5c/kWh compared to diesel (17-19c/kWh) or LPG (12-14c/kWh) Read more >>

New Zealand log supply curbed by recent stormy weather Read more >>

As reported last month, log export prices have softened Read more >>

April 2017

Hancock Timber Resource's $370 million sale of its Tasman Bay forest to Japan's Sumitomo netted a little over $1 million Read more >>

A rise in the number of timber tree seedlings being produced indicates a recent decline in plantation forest replanting may be reversing Read more >>

Associate Primary Industries Minister Louise Upston has welcomed new forecasts showing forestry export revenue set to rise further over the next two financial years Read more >>

Southern hemisphere's biggest sawmill opens

Insurers have paid out almost $18 million for damage from the Port Hills fires in February Read more >>

The forestry and logging sector is worth $1.4 billion to GDP, making a substantially larger contribution than either the sheepmeat or beef sectors, says a new report Read more >>

Export prices declined by an average of $1 per JASm3 over the country Read more >>

March 2017

Wellington City Council purchases pine forest with the intention of making it a reserve Read more >>

Shortage of people with the right technology skills affecting forestry contractors nationwide Read more >>

WET Gisborne Ltd, a joint venture between Wood Engineering Technology Ltd and the Eastland Community Trust, is building a $9 million prototype plant using robotics Read more >>

Forest Owners say the new Federated Farmers’ policy on climate change is a major step to help farmers understand trees are not an alternative to farming, but rather trees are tools to assist farming Read more >>

New research led by NIWA atmospheric scientists, indicates that New Zealand’s forests absorb much more than previously thought Read more >>

Associate Primary Industries Minister Louise Upston has announced the opening of the Afforestation Grant Scheme 2017 funding round Read more >>

Log price outlooks carried out over the past year show a consistent optimism in pruned log price expectations, but none of those expectations have been met Read more >>

February 2017

Government confirms tree planting as one of three areas of action in its climate programme Read more >>

Ministry of Primary Industries to investigate the planting of manuka and kanuka to control erosion and carbon farming Read more >>

Rubicon, that controls Tenon, has teamed with US and New Zealand investors to complete a transaction in relation to the wood processing company's remaining asset Read more >>

The NZ Farm Forestry Association's 2017 national conference will be held in and around Feilding from April 6-10 Read more >>

Overseas Investment Office has granted an Austrian permission to purchase a 381ha farm for $2.2 million to convert into forest Read more >>

Overseas Investment Office clears sale of 4,973ha of land by forestry company Blenheim Estate Limited Read more >>

The domestic log market continues to have strong and consistent demand for all grades of logs, prices paid by log exporters for logs at ports around NZ increased sharply in January with a slight reduction in February Read more >>

December 2016

Wharerata Forest and Patunamu Crown Forest licensed land will transfer to Te Rohe o Te Wairoa in their Treaty settlement Read more >>

Clutha District Council has accepted tenders worth $6.6m for forestry blocks put on the market earlier this year Read more >>

Marlborough Sounds company increases log barging capacity

Rural development between Puhoi and Warkworth would see 1,300 hectares of pine forest replanted as native bush Read more >>

A disease devastating trees in the Western United States and Europe is a major threat to New Zealand plantations should it ever arrive here Read more >>

Both domestic and export log prices drifted in December with minor changes in some regions and to some customers, but little overall movement. Both markets continue with strong positive sentiment Read more >>

November 2016

Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew has announced that 4,818 hectares will be planted during winter 2017, as a result of the latest funding round for the Government’s Afforestation Grant Scheme Read more >>

Oregon Group, which controls Ernslaw One, more than doubled its annual profit through gains in the value of forests and the sale of carbon credits Read more >>

Forest Enterprises Ltd has become one of the first forestry partnership schemes to be licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is planning a number of new forestry investments from 2017 Read more >>

Whanganui District Council said it was likely to cost an extra $20 million in the next few decades to maintain local roads to a standard to accommodate a threefold increase in logging volumes Read more >>

Allowing marginal hill country to revert to permanent native bush to off-set dairy emissions is a key recommendation from a new report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Read more >>

October 2016

Clutha District Council is having a second go at selling its forest land Read more >>

The Government is considering measures to encourage forest planting. Locally grown forests are expected to be cheaper than buying foreign carbon credits to meet climate change targets. Read more >>

The Napier to Gisborne rail line is set to reopen improving transport economics for East Coast forests. Read more >>

PF Olsen has noted that unpruned and pruned export log prices increased $2/JAS m3 and $4/JAS m3 respectively in October. This confirms that pruned export log prices troughed last month having fallen up to $50/JAS m3 in the prior three months. The e Read more >>

September 2016

The bulk of the Whanganui District Council's forestry estate is now officially on the market Read more >>

The Wood Council is warning the wood-processing industry is under threat, with a predicted drop in tree numbers made worse by small lot owners selling their logs for export before they're fully mature Read more >>

Forestry would stack up better against dairying in the central North Island if environmental factors were taken into account, argues Scion chief executive Dr Warren Parker Read more >>

New Zealand export log prices have reduced given movements in foreign exchange and ocean freight rates Read more >>

New Zealand carbon reached a five year high of NZD18.80 per tonne Read more >>